
Fun 404 Pages

Wed, 08/16/2017 - 20:14

Zip candleFor fun on occasion I will build a simple animation for the 404 "document not found" page of a website I am building. Over the last few years working for Geographics I built a few. There is an office cat named Zip who is often my muse and is the subject of all of these animations. Unfortunately I do these on my spare time and I tended to quit before they were finished.

Sprite Page Generator Script

Sat, 06/24/2017 - 19:19

Google Chrome 54 introduced the ability to take a full screenshot of a webpage in April 2017. This by itself is pretty cool. But, I happened to be working on some game code and wanted to build a simple sprite sheet. I found a program, but it appears that sprite sheets are normally built to fit the content on to the sheet as best as possible. That makes sense, but I wanted something where the location of the images was organized into columns. This way I could easily calculate the frames for animation. So I wrote my own little program to automate the process.

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