This is a simple demonstration of sprite blitting using HTML5 canvas and Javascript.
I don't think I would suggest this method. It's some old code I wrote several years ago. But, I'm just re-posting some old content intermingled with new content. I will likely post an updated version of this with more modern methods.
This uses sprites from an old game Thog and Jeff I worked on several years ago.
var max_frame = 11600; var img = "/sites/default/files/2017-06/walk_left.gif"; var sx = 0; speed = 25; bool = false; function walk() { var a_canvas = document.getElementById("canvas_jeff"); var a_context = a_canvas.getContext("2d"); var jeff = new Image(); jeff.src = img; jeff.onload = function() { a_canvas.width = a_canvas.width; a_context.drawImage(jeff,sx,0,400,300,0,0,400,300); sx+=400; if( sx >= max_frame ){ sx = 0; } if(bool){setTimeout(walk,speed);} } } function left() { max_frame = 11600; img = "/sites/default/files/2017-06/walk_left.gif"; if(!bool)start(); } function right() { max_frame = 11200; img = "/sites/default/files/2017-06/walk_right.gif"; if(!bool)start(); } function stop() { bool = false; console.log("stopped"); } function start() { console.log("started"); bool = true; walk(); } function showValue(newValue) { speed = document.getElementById("range").innerHTML=newValue; }