
Hobby Projects and Ideas

Sun, 07/30/2017 - 14:16

On my "down-time" as a hobby I write code. I know, that's a hell of a thing, but you have to remember that I started getting paid to do my hobby. But, my hobby is still my hobby. Part of the problem I have always had with my hobby versus my professional work is that I start a project...Then I will get bored with it and move on to something else OR I will get interested in some caveat of the current project which will derail me from the current project.

Alleviating Some of the Crap Thats Slowing Down Your Server at the Source

Wed, 04/19/2017 - 13:38
Several months ago I started receiving the occasional alert email in the middle of the night warning that my server was hitting a threshold. Reviewing the server logs I found the usual suspects. Hits to Wordpress; admin-ajax, wp-login.php, xmlrpc.php... But also, there were a ton of hits from a web crawler that was hitting the same content over and over and over. There are plugins available to cache websites and throttle repeat content, but a hit to the CMS is still a hit and will require PHP, several image requests, file requests and more than a few hits to the database.
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