Newton's cannonball was a thought experiment Isaac Newton used to hypothesize that the force of gravity was universal...
The cannon fires a ball that falls to earth. The cannon adds some power to the next shot and the cannonball goes a bit farther. Eventually the ball flies with enough velocity to break the planets gravity and falls into orbit. The ball literally falls around the planet indefinitely.
I built this in Game Maker in like 2002...ish but, of course I didn't need to do the math as gravity was built in.
I am not a Mathologer by any means but, I did want to figure it out for myself and after some research and fiddling I was able.
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/** * Newtons Cannon * * @author Jeremy Heminger <> * @github * @website * * @version 1.0.4 * @date October 2018 * * Credit: Vector class from here: * * * */ const G = 6.674e-11, WW = window.innerWidth, HH = window.innerHeight; // initialize variables var canvas, ctx, _cannon, _cannonball, _planet, _objects, c_speed = 0.1 , cspeed = 0.8, isrunnning = true, W, H, hW, hH; // initalize listeners window.addEventListener('load', init, false); window.addEventListener('blur', stopLoop, false); window.addEventListener('focus', startLoop, false); window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandler, false); /** * initalize * @function init * */ function init(e, b_reset) { W = document.getElementById('container').clientWidth; H = document.getElementById('container').clientHeight; hW = (W/2); hH = (H/2); PLANETRADIUS = (H/3); if (undefined === b_reset) { // create the canvas canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); } // instantiate our classes _planet = new Planet(hW,hH,PLANETRADIUS,-90); _cannon = new Cannon(_planet.get().x,_planet.get().y,PLANETRADIUS,-90); _cannonball = new Cannonball(_cannon.get().x,_cannon.get().cannon.breach.y); // add the objects in the order want them drawn // from back to front _objects = [ _cannonball, _planet, _cannon ]; if (undefined === b_reset) { // add the canvas document.getElementById('container').appendChild(canvas); makeStars(50); } canvas.height = H; canvas.width = W; if (undefined === b_reset) { // start rendering this.render(); } } /** * make some stars * @method makeStars * @param {Number} * */ function makeStars(n) { for(let i=0; i<n; i++) { let s = document.createElement('div'); s.setAttribute('class','star'); = (Math.random() * WW)+'px'; = (Math.random() * HH)+'px'; document.getElementById('stars').appendChild(s); } } /** * just like the name implies * @method stopLoop * */ function stopLoop() { isrunnning = false; console.log('stop loop'); } /** * just like the name implies * @method startLoop * */ function startLoop() { isrunnning = true; } /** * set the size of the canvas * @note currently this really only works once * @function resizeHandler * */ function resizeHandler() { canvas.height = H; canvas.width = W; _objects = []; _planet = null; _cannon = null; _cannonball = null; isrunnning = true; init(null, true); } /** * clear the canvas * @function clear * */ function clear() { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } /** * render the visible stuff * @method render * */ function render() { requestAnimationFrame(render); // if true then render if(isrunnning) { // clear this.clear(); // save; // loop everything for(let i=0; i<_objects.length; i++) { _objects[i].loop(); _objects[i].draw(); } // restore ctx.restore(); } } /** * * @function trig * @param {Number} * @param {Number} * @param {Number} * @param {Number} * @param {Boolean} * @returns {Mixed} * */ function trig(x,y,r,d,array) { if(d<0)d+=360; if(d>360)d-=360; let a = d * Math.PI / 180; let xpos = r * Math.cos(a); let ypos = r * Math.sin(a); if(array) { return [ xpos+x, ypos+y ] }else{ return { x:xpos+x, y:ypos+y } } } /** * * @function distance * @param {Number} * @param {Number} * @param {Number} * @param {Number} * @returns {Number} * */ function distance(x1,y1,x2,y2) { return Math.hypot(x2-x1, y2-y1); } /** * * @class * */ class Planet { /** * @param {Number} * @param {Number} * @param {Number} * @param {Number} * */ constructor(x,y,r,d) { this.vars = { x:x, y:y, r:r, d:d, mass:12e+12, color:'#008000' } } /** * no need for a loop here but its called automatically * @method loop * */ loop() {} /** * @method draw * */ draw() { ctx.beginPath(); // handle the shadow on resize let s1 = 300; let s2 = 800; if (H < 550) { s1 = 100; s2 = 300; } var grd=ctx.createRadialGradient(75,50,s1,90,60,s2); grd.addColorStop(0,this.vars.color); grd.addColorStop(1,'#000'); ctx.fillStyle=grd; ctx.arc(this.vars.x,this.vars.y,this.vars.r,0,Math.PI*2,true); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); } /** * @method get * @returns {Object} * */ get() { return this.vars; } } /** * @class Canon * */ class Cannon { /** * @param {Number} * @param {Number} * @param {Number} * @param {Number} * */ constructor(x,y,r,d) { // @var {Number} An amount to resize objects in relation to the planet size this.divsize = 25; // @var {Number} this.r = r; // @var {Number} this.d = d; // @var {Object} this.pos = trig(x,y,r,d,false); // @var {Object} this.vars = { x:this.pos.x, y:this.pos.y, mountain:{ coords:[], color:'#008000' }, cannon:{ barrel:{ x:0, y:0, w:0, h:0 }, breach:{ x:0, y:0, r:0 }, x:0, y:0, r:0, color:'#000000' } } this.mountain(); this.makecannon(); } /** * no need for a loop here but its called automatically * @method loop * */ loop() {} /** * @method draw * */ draw() { ctx.fillStyle=this.vars.cannon.color; // cannon wheel ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(this.vars.cannon.x,this.vars.cannon.y,this.vars.cannon.r,0,Math.PI*2,true); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); // cannon breach ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(this.vars.cannon.breach.x,this.vars.cannon.breach.y,this.vars.cannon.breach.r,0,Math.PI*2,true); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); // cannon barrel ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillRect( this.vars.cannon.barrel.x, this.vars.cannon.barrel.y, this.vars.cannon.barrel.w, this.vars.cannon.barrel.h ); // mountain ctx.fillStyle=this.vars.mountain.color; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.vars.mountain.coords[0][0],this.vars.mountain.coords[0][1]); for (let i = 0;i<this.vars.mountain.coords.length; i++) { ctx.lineTo( this.vars.mountain.coords[i][0], this.vars.mountain.coords[i][1] ); } ctx.fill(); } /** * establish the mountains polygon * @method mountain * */ mountain() { // create the polygon coords for the mountain this.vars.mountain.coords[0] = trig(this.pos.x,this.pos.y+5,(this.r/(this.divsize/2)),(this.d-90),true); this.vars.mountain.coords[1] = trig(this.pos.x,this.pos.y,(this.r/(this.divsize/5)),this.d-10,true); this.vars.mountain.coords[2] = trig(this.pos.x,this.pos.y,(this.r/(this.divsize/5)),this.d+10,true); this.vars.mountain.coords[3] = trig(this.pos.x,this.pos.y+5,(this.r/(this.divsize/2)),(this.d+90),true); } /** * @method makecanon * */ makecannon() { // cannon wheel let xy = trig(this.pos.x,this.pos.y,(this.r/(this.divsize/6)),this.d,false); this.vars.cannon.x = xy.x; this.vars.cannon.y = xy.y+5; this.vars.cannon.r = Math.abs((this.r/this.divsize)-5); // breach xy = trig(this.vars.cannon.x,this.vars.cannon.y,this.vars.cannon.r,-120); this.vars.cannon.breach.x = xy.x; this.vars.cannon.breach.y = xy.y; this.vars.cannon.breach.r = this.vars.cannon.r/2; this.vars.cannon.barrel.x = xy.x; this.vars.cannon.barrel.y = xy.y-3; this.vars.cannon.barrel.w = this.vars.cannon.r*3; this.vars.cannon.barrel.h = this.vars.cannon.r; } /** * @method get * @returns {Object} * */ get() { return this.vars; } } /** * @method Canonball * */ class Cannonball { constructor(x,y) { //, x, y); // @var {Number} this.startx = x; // @var {Number} this.starty = y; // @var {Number} this.deadtimer = 0; // this counts until the reset // @var {Number} this.resettimer = 1; // raise this to set a pause beween resets // @var {Object} this.vars = { x:x, y:y, r:3, dead:false, speed: new Vector(cspeed,0), dir:0, mass:2e+2, planet:{}, color:'#fff' }; } /** * * @method loop * */ loop() { // this.getplanet(); // if(this.collision()) this.destroy(); // if(this.vars.dead) { // move the cannonball off the stage this.vars.x = 1000000; // increment the timer this.deadtimer++; // if timer greater than reset if(this.deadtimer > this.resettimer) this.reset(); }else{ // THIS IS WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS // The math that is // @todo - reduce the code here // some of this can be combined // init empty vector let a = new Vector(0,0); this.vars.planet.rv.x -= this.vars.x; this.vars.planet.rv.y -= this.vars.y; // I was using V.length() however it isn't updated by the class // the maths to do so is easy enough so I just called thew standard method let d = this.vars.planet.distance; let n = this.vars.planet.rv.normalize(); // stuck in the gravity well if ( d < 20 ) { n.x *= Math.pow(d/20,5); n.y *= Math.pow(d/20,5); } let m = _planet.get().mass; m = m + this.vars.mass; a.x += n.x*(G*m)/(d*d); a.y += n.y*(G*m)/(d*d); this.vars.speed.x += a.x; this.vars.speed.y += a.y; this.vars.x+=this.vars.speed.x; this.vars.y+=this.vars.speed.y; } } /** * @method draw * */ draw() { ctx.fillStyle=this.vars.color; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(this.vars.x,this.vars.y,this.vars.r,0,Math.PI*2,true); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); } /** * @method * */ addSpeed(d) { this.vars.speed.add(d); } /** * comment * @method getplanet * */ getplanet() { this.vars.planet.rv = new Vector(_planet.get().x, _planet.get().y); this.vars.planet.r = _planet.get().r; // get the distance to the planet this.vars.planet.distance = distance( this.vars.x, this.vars.y, this.vars.planet.rv.x, this.vars.planet.rv.y ); } /** * * @method collision * */ collision() { // check the distance to the planet if(this.vars.planet.distance < this.vars.planet.r) { return true; }else{ return false; } } /** * * @method destroy * */ destroy() { this.vars.dead = true; } /** * * @method reset * */ reset() { this.deadtimer = 0; // place it back home this.vars.x = this.startx; this.vars.y = this.starty; // reset var this.vars.dead = false; // increment speed cspeed += c_speed; this.vars.speed = new Vector(cspeed,0); } /** * * @method get * @returns {Object} * */ get() { return { x:this.vars.x, y:this.vars.y } } } /** * @NOTE - I always thought that in the abstract Vectors and Tensors were essentially Objects * This class proves my observation **/ /** * Vector */ function Vector(x, y) { this.x = x || 0; this.y = y || 0; } Vector.add = function(a, b) { return new Vector(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y); }; Vector.sub = function(a, b) { return new Vector(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y); }; Vector.scale = function(v, s) { return v.clone().scale(s); }; Vector.random = function() { return new Vector( Math.random() * 2 - 1, Math.random() * 2 - 1 ); }; /** * comment * @method * */ Vector.prototype = { set: function(x, y) { if (typeof x === 'object') { y = x.y; x = x.x; } this.x = x || 0; this.y = y || 0; return this; }, add: function(v) { this.x += v.x; this.y += v.y; return this; }, sub: function(v) { this.x -= v.x; this.y -= v.y; return this; }, scale: function(s) { this.x *= s; this.y *= s; return this; }, length: function() { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); }, lengthSq: function() { return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y; }, normalize: function() { var m = Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); if (m) { this.x /= m; this.y /= m; } return this; }, angle: function() { return Math.atan2(this.y, this.x); }, angleTo: function(v) { var dx = v.x - this.x, dy = v.y - this.y; return Math.atan2(dy, dx); }, distanceTo: function(v) { var dx = v.x - this.x, dy = v.y - this.y; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); }, distanceToSq: function(v) { var dx = v.x - this.x, dy = v.y - this.y; return dx * dx + dy * dy; }, lerp: function(v, t) { this.x += (v.x - this.x) * t; this.y += (v.y - this.y) * t; return this; }, clone: function() { return new Vector(this.x, this.y); }, toString: function() { return '(x:' + this.x + ', y:' + this.y + ')'; } };