I wanted to be able to easily create a Content Type on the fly that would export photos using Lightbox.
Initially I just used a Module as a block. But that really seeming both impractical and overkill. So Instead I modified the templates in TWIG and the theme file. Now, I just need to create the Photo Library Content Type in 'Contents' and add the images I want to display.
- Create a Content Type
- The machine name should be the same as the variable referenced in THEMENAME.theme. In this case I am using 'photo_library'
- Leave the 'Body' field
- Add an Image field. (Its machine name needs to match the field_name in image.html.twig. In this case I used 'field_photos').
- Set to unlimited number of images and whatever image preferences you prefer).
function THEMENAME_preprocess_image(&$variables) { $node = Drupal::request()->attributes->get('node'); // photo_library should be the machine_name of your content type if ($node && $node->getType() == 'photo_library') { $variables['create_photo_lib'] = 'true'; } } function THEMENAME_preprocess_field(&$variables) { $node = Drupal::request()->attributes->get('node'); // photo_library should be the machine_name of your content type if ($node && $node->getType() == 'photo_library') { $variables['lightbox_imgs'] = 'lightbox_imgs'; } }
- image.html.twig
{% if create_photo_lib == 'true' %} <a href="{{ attributes.src|replace({ ' ': '/' })}}" data-lightbox="lightbox_photo"> <img{{ attributes }} /> </a> {% else %} <img{{ attributes }} /> {% endif %}
- field.html.twig
<div class="{{ field_name}}"> {% if label_hidden %} {% if multiple %} <div{{ attributes }}> {% for item in items %} <div{{ item.attributes }} class="item {% if field_name == 'field_photo' %}{{ lightbox_imgs }}{% endif %}">{{ item.content }}</div> {% endfor %} </div> {% else %} {% for item in items %} <div{{ attributes }} class="item {% if field_name == 'field_photo' %}{{ lightbox_imgs }}{% endif %}">{{ item.content }}</div> {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% else %} <div{{ attributes }}> <div{{ title_attributes }}>{{ label }}</div> {% if multiple %} <div> {% endif %} {% for item in items %} <div{{ item.attributes }} class="item {% if field_name == 'field_photo' %}{{ lightbox_imgs }}{% endif %}">{{ item.content }}</div> {% endfor %} {% if multiple %} </div> {% endif %} </div> {% endif %} </div>