
Whoa - Accidental Fractal..."ish"

Thu, 03/01/2018 - 19:57

I was attempting to add a cracked windshield to the player tank in my Battlezone remake built in Javascript. I wanted to built the crack procedurally and it's "working". But it's not very believable as a cracked windshield just yet. I was able to add a pretty cool effect that shakes the screen but, the cracked windshield currently either resembles fractured rock or in many cases modern art. 

Doom Style Simple 3D in Javascript

Tue, 09/12/2017 - 17:04

A LOOOooong time ago...well 2001-2002'ish (I think). I was playing around a lot with Game Maker by Mark Overmars. There was developer named Brent who went by the handle Freegadgets who made a 3D engine Gadget 3D. It was really quite impressive. He started off by simply remaking a simple version of Doom. Over time he expanded it and eventually it used actual 3D polygons. It was loads of fun to build games with it and very easy. It was also a great learning tool. (As with MANY of my old projects I lost most of the games and models I built during this period).

Hobby Projects and Ideas

Sun, 07/30/2017 - 14:16

On my "down-time" as a hobby I write code. I know, that's a hell of a thing, but you have to remember that I started getting paid to do my hobby. But, my hobby is still my hobby. Part of the problem I have always had with my hobby versus my professional work is that I start a project...Then I will get bored with it and move on to something else OR I will get interested in some caveat of the current project which will derail me from the current project.

Sprite Page Generator Script

Sat, 06/24/2017 - 19:19

Google Chrome 54 introduced the ability to take a full screenshot of a webpage in April 2017. This by itself is pretty cool. But, I happened to be working on some game code and wanted to build a simple sprite sheet. I found a program, but it appears that sprite sheets are normally built to fit the content on to the sheet as best as possible. That makes sense, but I wanted something where the location of the images was organized into columns. This way I could easily calculate the frames for animation. So I wrote my own little program to automate the process.

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