
Wes Mantooth Ver 3.0 Proposal (2022)

Sun, 11/27/2022 - 12:27

I plan to get started on this probably in December of 2022

  • Autoload dependencies
  • No more (or at least "less" namespaces ) ... the namespaces will exist for my development but not for usage
  • ES6+ code
  • Piping of the methods
    • i.e. drawrect(x,y,x2,y2).stroke(2).color('#000').fillColor('blue')
  • Reorganize where methods exist in the actual namespaces
  • I would like to write the schema for sublime text to make it easier to use
  • Not sure what else but probably plenty

Hobby Projects and Ideas

Sun, 07/30/2017 - 14:16

On my "down-time" as a hobby I write code. I know, that's a hell of a thing, but you have to remember that I started getting paid to do my hobby. But, my hobby is still my hobby. Part of the problem I have always had with my hobby versus my professional work is that I start a project...Then I will get bored with it and move on to something else OR I will get interested in some caveat of the current project which will derail me from the current project.

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