wes mantooth

Wes Mantooth Ver 3.0 Proposal (2022)

Sun, 11/27/2022 - 12:27

I plan to get started on this probably in December of 2022

  • Autoload dependencies
  • No more (or at least "less" namespaces ) ... the namespaces will exist for my development but not for usage
  • ES6+ code
  • Piping of the methods
    • i.e. drawrect(x,y,x2,y2).stroke(2).color('#000').fillColor('blue')
  • Reorganize where methods exist in the actual namespaces
  • I would like to write the schema for sublime text to make it easier to use
  • Not sure what else but probably plenty

Find The Length of a Coastline - Programming - Part 3

Sun, 12/17/2017 - 07:56

About a week ago I wrote an article where I hypothesized that I could find the length of a coast-line using an algorithm based on a map or satellite image.

This is part 3 of the programming part of that series.

The task here was to find individual sections of the image that represent islands or land-masses. This way I can target a specific land-mass to be measured and discard the rest. (Ireland, France, The Isle of Mann,...etc). 

Doom Style Simple 3D in Javascript

Tue, 09/12/2017 - 17:04

A LOOOooong time ago...well 2001-2002'ish (I think). I was playing around a lot with Game Maker by Mark Overmars. There was developer named Brent who went by the handle Freegadgets who made a 3D engine Gadget 3D. It was really quite impressive. He started off by simply remaking a simple version of Doom. Over time he expanded it and eventually it used actual 3D polygons. It was loads of fun to build games with it and very easy. It was also a great learning tool. (As with MANY of my old projects I lost most of the games and models I built during this period).

Optimizing Wes Mantooth

Fri, 08/04/2017 - 22:13

The whole idea behind this project has never been to create games. It was really an exercise to optimize my Javascript abilities. Generally at work if I write Javascript it's using jQuery and due to time constraints it can often be quite ugly and not very efficient. 

So I built a list of tools I felt would be necessary for a game engine and currently they aren't exactly efficient or easy to use.

For example the multi-canvas example currently can run about 60 objects on screen before it starts to slow down. .. That's terrible.

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