In August of 2021 I got a wild hair and decided to try hiking up a mountain. It was humbling. Ever since my brother passed away from a heart attack in 2013 I have tried to eat healthy and exercise. Typically jogging although in the last few years I have been riding a mountain bike more than anything. So I am typically in pretty good shape. I have endurance in spades but, this just took it out of me. A little less than a year later I decided to try again. This time I succeeded. It was a very warm spring day and I didn't anticipate that there would be snow on the top of the mountain. But there was. It really wasn't cold until I reached the actual peak. I guess the wind must have be coming from the other side of the peak because the climb was relatively warm and calm. But as soon as I reached the top I was met with a very powerful and cold wind. I ducked into some rocks that clearly were setup for camping. I was not dressed appropriately.