Wes Mantooth

Wes Mantooth is a game development framework. It's a hobby and a tool for learning to optimize vanilla Javascript. It's not intended for production use and I probably will never actually build a game with it. If I intended to build a web-based game I would likely use Unity. 

Currently Wes Mantooth is coded in Javascript ES5. I would convert it to ES6 except that Grunt does not currently natively support ES6. There is a transpiler available but, I will just stick to ES5 for now.

Wes Mantooth Ver 3.0 Proposal (2022)

Sun, 11/27/2022 - 12:27

I plan to get started on this probably in December of 2022

  • Autoload dependencies
  • No more (or at least "less" namespaces ) ... the namespaces will exist for my development but not for usage
  • ES6+ code
  • Piping of the methods
    • i.e. drawrect(x,y,x2,y2).stroke(2).color('#000').fillColor('blue')
  • Reorganize where methods exist in the actual namespaces
  • I would like to write the schema for sublime text to make it easier to use
  • Not sure what else but probably plenty

Whoa - Accidental Fractal..."ish"

Thu, 03/01/2018 - 19:57

I was attempting to add a cracked windshield to the player tank in my Battlezone remake built in Javascript. I wanted to built the crack procedurally and it's "working". But it's not very believable as a cracked windshield just yet. I was able to add a pretty cool effect that shakes the screen but, the cracked windshield currently either resembles fractured rock or in many cases modern art. 

Find The Length of a Coastline - Programming - Part 3

Sun, 12/17/2017 - 07:56

About a week ago I wrote an article where I hypothesized that I could find the length of a coast-line using an algorithm based on a map or satellite image.

This is part 3 of the programming part of that series.

The task here was to find individual sections of the image that represent islands or land-masses. This way I can target a specific land-mass to be measured and discard the rest. (Ireland, France, The Isle of Mann,...etc). 


Sun, 12/10/2017 - 15:55

Inspired by this video I decided to make a good ole' spriograph program. It's true that I was playing around with these types of programs when I was like, 15...well to be fair I guess I started playing around with recursive for loops and writing vectors when I was like ... "8". But, I really didn't have a real understanding on what I was doing until my teen years after taking my first programming classes in junior high. Mr. Jones...Big guy.

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